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“Diane” is a classic CrossFit WOD that combines weightlifting and gymnastics. Here’s the structure: “Diane” 21-15-9 reps for time: • Deadlifts (225 pounds/155 kilograms for males, 155 pounds/105 kilograms for females) • Handstand Push-Ups Tips: 1. Deadlift Technique: Maintain a neutral spine and proper deadlift form throughout. Be mindful of your back during the higher-repetition sets. 2. Scaling Handstand Push-Ups: If standard handstand push-ups are challenging, consider scaling by using an abmat or doing pike push-ups. Ensure a full range of motion. 3. Pacing: “Diane” is a sprint, but avoid going out too fast. Find a pace that allows you to push through all rounds without excessive fatigue. 4. Breathing Control: Efficient breathing is crucial during high-intensity workouts. Coordinate your breathing with your movements. Benchmarks: Completing the workout within 5-8 minutes is a common goal. Elite athletes may aim for sub-4 minute times.
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